Reading: Introduce picture books, story time, and alphabet recognition.
Writing: Practice with crayons, tracing letters, and name writing.
Speaking and Listening: Encourage conversation, singing, and reciting rhymes.
Numbers: Counting objects, number recognition, and simple addition/subtraction.
Shapes and Patterns: Identifying shapes, creating patterns, and sorting objects.
Measurement: Concepts of size, weight, and volume through play.
Science and Nature
Exploration: Nature walks, examining plants and animals. Experiments: Simple hands-on experiments like mixing colors or growing plants. Observation: Using senses to observe changes in weather, seasons, and environment.
Creative Arts
Art: Painting, drawing, and crafting with various materials. Music: Singing, playing instruments, and dancing. Drama: Role-playing, puppet shows, and dress-up activities.
Physical Development
Gross Motor Skills: Running, jumping, climbing, and playing with balls. Fine Motor Skills: Puzzles, threading beads, and using scissors. Health and Safety: Basic hygiene, nutrition, and safety rules.
Social and Emotional Development
Self-Awareness: Identifying emotions, self-help skills, and independence. Social Skills: Sharing, turn-taking, and cooperative play. Behavior Management: Understanding rules, following instructions, and conflict resolution.
Cognitive Development
Problem-Solving: Puzzles, building blocks, and cause-effect toys. Memory and Attention: Matching games, storytelling, and memory activities. Concepts: Understanding time (days, weeks), categorizing, and sequencing events.
Daily routine example
Morning Circle Time
Welcome, songs, and discussion.
Activity Centers
Rotating between art, science, literacy, and math.
Snack Time
Healthy snack and conversation.
Outdoor Play
Free play and organized games.
Story Time
Group reading and discussion.
Closing Circle
Review of the day and songs.
Celebrating milestones and creating cherished memories!